Integer types

There are various integer types in Julia. On the one hand there are integer types with a fixed number of bits ranging from 8-bit integers Int8 to 128-bit integers Int128. The default integer type Int will be Int64 (on a 64-bit machine). Moreover, there is BigInt for arbitrary precision integers. Finally, there is a union type Integer encompassing all the various integer types.

We are not done yet with the integer types. The Nemo package (which is part of the OSCAR system) introduces another arbitrary precision integer type fmpz (with shortcut constructor ZZ) from the FLINT library:

julia> ZZ(2)^64

julia> typeof(ZZ(2))

In JuLie we will use fmpz instead of BigInt.

There are various reasons why Nemo/OSCAR (and thus JuLie) prefers fmpz: this type is more efficient as it scales between machine integers and big integers; it is better to "own" the integer type when doing exact computer algebra because some Julia functions don't really do what we expect as algebraists (for example the determinant function det from the LinearAlgebra package returns a float for a matrix consisting of Int64 integers); the ring ℤ itself is implemented as a structure in Nemo/OSCAR and the fmpz integers really live in this ring, which reflects the mathematics more accurately:

julia> parent(ZZ(2))
Integer Ring

Some mathematical functions in Julia/OSCAR working on integers will return an integer of the same type as they received but this is not completely consistent:

julia> typeof(factorial(10)) #factorial(21) will cause an overflow error

julia> typeof(factorial(Int8(10)))
Int64 #Not Int8!

julia> typeof(factorial(ZZ(10))) #factorial(ZZ(21)) no problem

Always be aware of (and careful with) the integer types you pass to a function and that you get back.

As an algebraist, you would be one the safe side by always using fmpz. But having the possibility to use smaller integer types is actually very useful because if you're sure that smaller integer types are sufficient and never overflow in what you intend to do, this will increase performance and consume less memory. In JuLie we have therefore often implemented parametric types depending on an integer type which allow you to do this. For example, for partitions we have a parametric type Partition{T} where T is a subtype of Integer (the union type of all integer types in Julia) and this allows you to do:

julia> P=Partition(Int8[2,1])
Int8[2, 1]

We have created the partition (2,1) of 3 using 8-bit integers. Compare this to constructing the partition with the default integer type:

julia> P=Partition([2,1])
[2, 1]

It's basically the same thing but the former will consume less memory which will be important when dealing with millions of partitions. But you need to be careful when doing arithmetic with the components of a partition because this may overflow—and if it does there will be no warning by Julia!

Now, functions dealing with partitions can work with smaller integer types as well:

julia> partitions(Int8(3))
3-element Vector{Partition{Int8}}:
 Int8[2, 1]
 Int8[1, 1, 1]

compared to

julia> partitions(3)
3-element Vector{Partition{Int64}}:
 [2, 1]
 [1, 1, 1]

Let's summarize:

Advice and warning

Use smaller integer types to your advantage but be careful to not cause overflows in your computations.